A Special Message

We interrupt your regular and not-as-adorable web surfing with a special message from this totally adorable Pug.

Pug Special Message

There, you can now web surf to your hearts content with a smile!

Thank You Catalina Vivas Andrade!

Pug Has Panic Attack

We think there is always something that everyone meant to learn, but never got around to. For some, it may be swimming, for some the fine art of calligraphy. Regardless, this Pug had been meaning to learn manual for years, and is now in a pickle!

candice murphy

Thank you to Candice Murphy for the great photo!

Baby Pugs

Don’t wake the baby Pugs!

How adorable is this tiny Puglet! Can anyone deny the cuteness of a tiny little Puglet? We surely cannot!

Adorable Pug Baby

We want to thank Tanya L Herremans for this amazing photo!

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