Summer Pugs

Summer is such a mixed bag for Pugs. The heat is difficult, and mostly every Pug lover has been slobbered on repeatedly! However, there is also room for summer vacations. For example, we can see Billionaire Tycoon Pug “Mr. Snuggles” on his private South Pacific island enjoying the sun, sand, and cool refreshing water. This, is the Pug Life!

Summer Pugs

Snuggle Pug

I don’t get tired of being asked this question by cute little Pug baby. The answer is always a resounding, “Yes!”

snuggle puggle

Non-Confrontational Pug

Aww.. poor Pug got pushed aside by this tough looking Frenchie. He just let slide though, he’s not one to pick fights – he’s delicate that way…

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Thank you @DaPuglet for sharing with us on Pinterest!

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